eartrip – issue 5

Download it Here

It’s been a while since the last issue of ‘eartrip’, for which there can be no real excuse; but anyway, a couple of years into the project, we’re onto the fifth issue, and there’s still plenty to write and think about – so hopefully issue number six might be a little less slow in rolling out. There’s not really much need for me to write a big editorial: the words that follow should be able to stand up for themselves. Inside you’ll find the usual batch of reviews, including a lengthy examination of the debate-sparking collection, ‘Noise and Capitalism’, edited by the always-provocative Mattin, as well as an essay by Maggie Nicols addressing the relations between free improvisation and gender. And not forgetting, of course, the continuing adventures of Paul Desmond. Send bile and bouquets to dmgrundy@hotmail.co.uk, or to the snail-mail address given inside the magazine.

Some alternative download links:

eartrip – issue 4


So, Issue 4 hits the internet…Inside this one, an interview with John Russell, the continuing adventures of Braxton and Desmond, an overview of the Headphonica net label, and, among the usual reviews sections,  reports on Ornette Coleman’s Meltdown Festival and Jazz a Vienne 2009.

Also, there’s another MP3 compilation album, entitled ‘Second Journey’ and featuring performances from (among others) Lee Noyes, Parallax and Massimo Magee. Details and download links to be found here: https://eartripmagazine.wordpress.com/mp3-downloads/second-journey-eartrip-compilation-2/

The magazine itself awaits the collective clicks of your mice at the following locations:

As ever, comments, criticism, enquiries and suggestions may be sent to dmgrundy@hotmail.co.uk, or to the snail-mail address given inside the magazine.

eartrip – issue 3



Well, it’s been quite some time since the last issue: there are many excuses, as ever, including, at the moment, a steady ratcheting up of my work-load as University Finals creep ever nearer. So you’ll have to excuse my tardiness in writing and gathering material: I was probably buried deep inside a volume of Hegel or something of the sort.

But, in any case, issue 3 has now arrived – inside is an article on Pharoah Sanders and another on Ghedalia Tazartes, an interview with Graham Collier, and the usual Reviews Section, which includes some extended pieces on, among other things, Henry Grimes’ poetry and a rather wonderful re-issue from Ken Hyder’s Talisker.

But perhaps most significant is SOUND JOURNEY, the MP3 Compilation Album which accompanies the text element of the magazine. 11 tracks from a diverse range of improvisers, including Alexander Hawkins, Dominic Lash and Ilia Belorukov. For more details, go to this page: Sound Journey: Eartrip Compilation # 1

As always, I welcome your comments and criticisms. The inevitable facebook group awaits additional members at this clumsily long link: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=19083591008&ref=ts. And there’s always the comment button below this post, or good old e-mail.

So, here it is: Issue 3 of eartrip, with, appropriately enough, three links to choose from.

eartrip – issue 2

Hello again.

It’s been a while, but the long-promised second issue of ‘eartrip’ is here. Included are interviews with Hugh Hopper and Alexander Hawkins, an audio feature on Politics and Jazz, a defence of John Zorn, and a large reviews section which covers many recent jazz/improv CD releases/re-issues, as well as George Lewis’ excellent AACM book.

The magazine is available, in PDF Format, by going to the download link below:


Or to this alternate link:

Dick Bowman’s also put it up on his FTP server:

And finally, if you don’ want to do all that reading onscreen, you can get a print copy (A5, black and white) from lulu.com. The cost is £8.04, including postage. As with the first issue, this print option has been set up by Dick Bowman, to whom I’m very grateful, and neither he nor I get a profit – all the money goes to lulu.com.


The download link for Anthony Whiteford’s Politics and Jazz audio feature is included inside the magazine, but I thought I’d also make it available as an online stream: click the button and listen below.

Anyhow, enjoy and please leave feedback (either by email or as a blog comment).

David Grundy

eartrip 1 now available as hard copy

I’ve had some comments about the difficulty of reading 200 pages off a screen, and asking about hard-copy options. Well, for those who had those problems, and for those who like to have a physical object in their hands, ‘Eartrip’ has now been set up as a project at online publisher lulu (thanks, once again, to Dick Bowman). It’ll come in A5, black and white, paperback book format. Cost to the UK is just over £8, including P & P costs (from Spain).

In case anyone’s wondering, no one’s getting any money from this about from lulu.com. At least at this stage, I’m not really comfortable with running ‘Eartrip’ for profit.

Here’s the link:


eartrip issue 1 now available on FTP server

Dick Bowman, a member of the freejazz.org forums, has kindly offered to host ‘eartrip’ files on his FTP server:

With David’s permission I’ve put the Eartrip pdf onto my FTP server.
You should be able to reach it by sending your FTP client to and doing all the geeky “anonymous” and email address stuff. You’ll find an Eartrip folder.
I’ve downloaded remotely from this server a few times, so it might work – please advise of problems (email to dick@dickbowman.org.uk).
The plan is that the file (and future issues) will be there for the foreseeable future (or until the box breaks). Currently too mean/poor/incompetent to give it a domain name – anyone winning the lottery using the IP address numbers please donate 10% of your winnings to the RUCMA Cultural Emergency Fund.

Or try popping this web address into your browser:

eartrip – the first issue


Well here it is – the first issue of ‘eartrip’, a new magazine focussing on jazz and experimental musics. In this issue, there are articles on jazz blogs, on New York bassist and composer William Parker, on the recent collaboration between Anthony Braxton and Cecil Taylor, and on free improvisation, as well as extensive album and gig review sections, and an interview with British jazz pioneers Mike and Kate Westbrook.

The magazine is available, in PDF Format, by going to the download link below:


Alternate link one:

Alternate link two:

Enjoy and please leave feedback (either by email or as a blog comment).

That’s it for now.

David Grundy